Bonefish Heaven… it exists… in the Abacos.

Hermits invade Conchville: Live at the Abacos
Some might describe bonefish heaven as a place where bonefish can be seen for miles, where the grey ghost eats any fly presented, and is not spooked easily from a mis-aligned cast of the fly.
In my mind, bonefish heaven is more than that… it is where all the normal challenges are still present, but it is more than all that simply because it is a place where trophy bonefish prefer to spend their winter months… and occasionally in this place a few smaller fish less than 10lbs come out to play.
In the Abacos, many colours abound and on any bright sunny day, the blues and greens and pinks leap out from the surrounding environments and awaken the eyes to life anew.

Snapper on the menu?
When the weather or tides are not favorable in bonefish paradise for chasing the grey ghost, there are many other fish species available for entertainment. Snappers provide for a tasty home-cooked meal and the bluerunners, yellowtail and other jacks are also present and a blast to catch with poppers in deep water with strong current.
There are occasions where a storm front will blow through, and sometimes you are on the flat when it happens but the best thing about fishing is that the fish are already wet!

Wading Wet
Winter rains from the north bring strong winds and blow quickly over a favorite bonefish flat. In the distance you can see the boat anchored on the edge of the flat. Always make sure that you anchor in sandy bottom as a more firm hold can be made than in mud or silty bottoms.
Have no fear because after the rains, the sun breaks free from the clouds and the bright luminescent colours of the Bahamas spring forth with virbrance like no other!

Secret Cay Abacos Bahamas
It is decided that this flat shall be called Secret Cay. It is called as such mostly to protect the trophy bonefish that favor this part of the Abacos. My favorite part of this area is that there are miles of wadeable flats and creeks which holds fish during all stages of the tides. When the outer part of this flat is bone dry it is possible to wade-hike a mile or so back into the creeks and there will be pools, sleuces and runs where the bonefish will hole up until the flat floods again with new water.
On average during this time of year, a do-it-yourself fly fisher with decent eyes will have 10-15 shots at bonefish during the best weather days where calm winds and clear skies provide for the best sight-fishing and wade fishing conditions.
Having covered much of the do-it-yourself areas, and in doing so fished several trophy bonefish territories from a rental bay boat used for skipping around the Sea of Abaco, it was time to step up the game another notch.

- The identity of this bonefish has been blurred to protect the innocent
On short notice, I met up with Captain Marty Sawyer in a mint condition Hells Bay Waterman 18-foot flats boat from the Abaco Lodge, a truly premier fly fishing destination. Many thanks are due here to Oliver White, whom facilitated, organized and coordinated my last minute fly fishing trip with the best of the best in the Abacos, Captain Marty.
Over the course of 5 days bonefishing, it was the trophy bonefish that gave us the most excitement. At least 6 targeted fish were over the 10 pound mark and each fish that ate brought their best game to the table! Undeniably, the trophy fish managed to avoid being photographed. It was only fair that the largest of bonefish that I encountered during this trip all escaped without giving me that still moment… They had earned their respect and of all reasons to love bonefishing, this is the one that sticks with me the most… The next bonefish you stumble upon could be the most memorable fly fishing adventure of your life, even if you never land the fish for a photo. Never a dull moment in the Abacos, on and off the camera… Until next time… may the bonefish forever dance in your mind as a reminder to the many virtues of life, in all its magnificent forms!
Keeping the hooks sharp (and tying more of Kenjo Flies newest bonefish fly pattern),
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing
[email protected]