We catch them well in low-light conditions too! Mega Sheepshead on Fly Fangs for Days Yellow Mouth Speckled Trout A pair of Whooping Cranes feed along the shores of the barrier islands along the great Texas Coast. Ready to Wet Wade the Texas Coast The RL Winston Alpha+ lives up to its name! It is THE leader in modern fly rod technology! Brown/Tan Fighting Crab (similar to the Kung Fu Crab) tied on a sz. 2 TMC 811s hook Resting Red Drum 7 spot redfish Tailing Redfish in February Overslot Redfish can be abundant in the winter Reusable Water Bottles – PUR Filtered Sheepshead are running hard NOW! This mid-slot redfish crushed this oversized Kung-Fu Custom Crab This 38inch NOLA red drum took a big topwater from Nate in the rain! Pouring Redfish in Louisiana Marsh This 38 inch NOLA redifsh ate the whole popper! Capt Kenjo Personal Best @ 28.5 inches. Released strong to swim again! This 33-inch Redfish just was too big for a selfie! Big Ugly Brute Black Drum The new 2019 Yamaha F70 sitting pretty and ready to GO! Redfish Bendo with the Echo Gecko Father & Son over-slot October Texas Redfish Learning the Ropes of Nopes and Oups! a.k.a. The Do’s & Don’ts! Thank you TFO for excellent service again! Texas Autumn Redfish looking at you Slicked-out Fall Redfishing Texas Coast Hi George. Hi Paul. Lets roll on some more crabs! Full Autumn Bellies October Gold with 7 spots (2 on the other side) Low Tide Slicked Out Summer-time Redfish Low Tide Tailing Texas Red Drum Texas Sunset Redfish on Fly Bucketlist Mullet On The Fly The new Yamaha F70 is the perfect fit for the Beavertail Strike Slicked Out over-slot Texas Redfish On John’s Birthday Trip he joined the 30 Inch Club Post No Bills Redfish Benson got the hang of them! Drum Whisperer Father and Son enjoying Texas Redfish Challenges on the fly Adam nailed this redfish on a olive fighting crab fly Ryker can cast. Ryker can catch FISH! Recent Graduate Ryker Lands Marvelously Colored Redfish Matt enjoying some tailing redfish pods Kasey got in on some nice Tailing Redfish Action Plucking Cruising Redfish Top Slot Schooling Redfish 30 inch Pumpkins Topwater Jacks on Fly Jack #3 of 4 for the Day Double Trouble with Mr. Jack Crevelle Double Jacks on the fly on the Texas Coast Dude CRUSHED it! Hefty Redfish Dallas does not disappoint! Tailing Spring Redfish Pods Wade fishing Toads Texas Jack Crevelle on The Fly Fish of Angels in our hands Rain or Shine Kenjo Finds’em! On the feed Trout Brothers Solid redfish are around! Buster did some redfish bustin Michelle’s 3rd Foggy Day Redfish Blowing a Gale and Matt nailed one! Well-Earned! Texas Winter Redfish, Sunburn and All! Blowing 27kts North and Dudes with Awesome Attitudes! South Texas Salad, makes me think of Polk Salad Texas Coast mid-slot winter redfish Couldnt Resist! Awaiting the next submarine redfish fleet wave Last Cast Bonus Trout after whacking redfish all day More Spartina Please! Bluebird Texas Winter Fly Fishing Had to take a walk to retrieve this redfish for Ms. Willa Happy Fish Personal Best Redfish for Mrs. Amy! 27.25 inches and still growing! Bruce is 6’5″ tall… Makes this 29.25 inch redfish look small… No Justice! Holding Red Bounty of Colors Most patient Guest EVER! Blind Casted 25inch Red Drum Sunrise School This guy ALWAYS gets his Redfish! Baby Bull Released! Schools of these guys appeared 3 times for Steve Endless Possibilities Tailing right next to the boat in 20+kt winds Capt Ken’s first Texas Gator Trout on the fly Good Lordy!!! Its a gator, Mama! These are my ghosts on the flats, they usually escape my fly but this one couldnt resist! She must have been mad, just look at that mouth! 28.5 inches of Pure Rock Fury! Bending the Bender Whacked another nice Texas redifsh! September Bull Redfish on Port Aransas Flats Another windy tailing redfish in hand! This little redfish came out of nowhere and stole the fly from a bull redfish! AGHHHHH!!!! Eric’s First Little Piggy Port Aransas Redfish All day smile Top Slot Cruising Redfish Release Treat all Life with respect and everything becomes a gift. Sunrise Surprise Live length 27.75 inches, official weigh-in length and weight 27.25in weighing 7.6 pounds Greg works on a fresh 35lb Jack Crevalle while Ted roots him on! Captain and Crew! Yoop yoop! Quick Topwater Selfie with Don Rainy-day Topwater Speckled Trout on the fly Endless Summer Tailing Redfish Sunrise over the Texas Marsh Teamwork Wins Jack on Deck See ya tomorrow! “Stay Tight Charlie!!!” Oooooo-OUI! Rhett & Kathleen love fly fishing the saltwater flats of the Texas Coast 26 inch Red Drum on the fly Wet wading wide open spaces Lawrence personal best trout! Bull Redfish Release Texas seatrout on sinking flies Lettin her rest after a fun fight! “OMG! This is the warmest fish I have ever held in my hands!” Pac Norwesterner Justin exclaimed! Texas redfish on Fly Keep’em wet Flounder Pounder Speck on the fly 27 inch redfish 28 inches of fun Sunset Bull Redfish on the Fly Wind Driven Cow Patties! Or the redfish been messing around! Jose caught this Houndfish in Aransas Bay In the skinny on the fly There is a “first” for everything! 31 inch Texas Bull Redfish This flood tide redfish was loving crabs in the succulents Low Tide Pig Windy Day Redfish on Spin and Voodoo Shrimp! This redfish was hard work in the end but completed Johnny’s first South Texas Grand Slam (sheepshead, trout, ladyfish and red drum)! Never Give UP!!! Best fish on Brad’s first day sight casting redfish on the fly. A 25 inch pumpkin tailer! Succulent Crawler Best fish caught since Hurricane Harvey passed through the town of Port Aransas. Noah’s First Redfish Low-Light Redfish! Kenjo Fly has Smith Optics for you in every situation! Need longer arms! Go On Now Sweet Red! Peek-A-Boo! Red drum on Fly 29inch redfish in sock deep water Long and fast retrieve got this trout to eat a micro shrimp fly! Unbelievable! Another redfish release Traffic be damned, we spotted this houndfish at 80ft, closed the gap to 65 feet and Jose threw the fly right where it needed to be! Jose sight cast this ~30in Houndfish, the only time I have encountered one in Aransas Bay. Gail stuck 3 trout in 3 casts, the big one ate first but got away under the boat, but the other two just wanted to a photo op with such a fun lady! 31 inch Bull Redfish, On The Fly, In Da Skinny, Flat Got Burned Moments Later Arghhh! Sight Casted Trout This one almost got away! Sunrise Sessions are the BEST! Calf Deep Redfish Upper Slot (CPRR – Catch Photo Release Repeat) Look at that smile! Love my Beavertail Strike! Stalked this fine fish in a transition area where a steady flow of redfish and drum lasted practically all day. Nailed it! First-timer Wolf stuck this fine 27 inch redfish with a trick cast out from behind a a 3-stick mangrove at close range. Shakin Tails with a Red Drum Doubled-up First Timers Skinny Water Trout, the big one got away Vibrant Colors from Schooling Red Drum Bah Bah Bah!!!! She ate with reckless abandon! Diamond Redfish Pat nailed this bronze 28 inch redfish Cloudy with a chance of Redfish Sight-casted Tailing Redfish Letting Go of Big Red Redfish Swim Admiration of the Redfish backing redfish the color of the sun Resting after the Battle Crab Crusher Texas Redfish Whamo Slamo Bull-Rushing Redfish Redfish on a chain Four Spots Loves Brown Crab Flies Low-Light Stalking See the fishy? Top slot fall redfish Fall Redfish are often brilliant orange October Marsh Landscape Orange and Blue Fall Colors on display Brent’s first redfish with heart shaped spot Doubled up Mud Reds on fly and spin in windy conditions! Dredge yer Reds! Rusty got’em! 1st Time Sight-Casted Redfish Looking at fish looking at bait. Hard earned but… Oh! How sweet it is! Bull red in the Texas Marsh. Port Aransas Texas Fall Run Bull redfish on the flats pulled out of a school of 200 fish strong! Black drum Big red trying to steal the fly from a smaller redfish Topwater Redfish at Sunrise Cord Grass Galore Windy Fishy Sunrise Tailing Redfish Do you see it too? Live Blue Crab Black drum Redfish in the sticks Mid-slot redfish Totem Odem Hooked up again with a spare redfish on the side this crawler couldn’t resist the blue crab fly Blue Bird Days are coming! Pothole redfish Backs out of the water Nonstop action Twenty-eight point five inches tailing black drum and floating redfish dinner Dark & Stormy 35lbs of raw power pulling tricks with the blue crab fly Caroline stuck several of these trout in spite of less than favorable conditions. Gator trout pre-release chartreuse and black shrimp fly First cast of an epic day Room for Two Uber skinny redfish on 5wt couldnt resist the chartreuse shrimp fly! peanuts catch big fish! Good fun on the fly! Mugshot Mugshot Salty Bendo on a 5 wt hooked up to a nice 22inch redfish in 6 inches of water Giant Black Drum Tailing Redfish can be found this time of year! Monster Black Drum a.k.a. big uglies Tom & Jerry I sight casted this heifer from the rock with a crab fly! David worked tirelessly on some of the toughest fish I have encountered this year! Rich Waldner’s Spoon fly tricked this 29-incher with Outdoor Journalist Phil Shook on the long rod and with the fly of choice! Hooked up again! Redfish Head First Redfish HOG Big fish like to run these gauntlets right after the hookup Bull redfish caught in 8inches of water. Peek-a-boo Black Drum Jack be nimble jack be quick and jack broke my Hatch! Tom first Redfish on the fly Sight casted in 6″ of water! Black is a daytime color too 2015 is looking Good! Nice Winter time redfish on fly Beulah Produces great colors! Chris nailed this one right at the boat! Come to Poppa! Let’em Go Dammit! Fall Colors Thick grass beds are the perfect hunting grounds for fall redfish Nice redfish just over slot Tails UP! Catchin some air! Eye of King Mackerel This one measured 41 inches Perma Smiles after 3 days of Fly Fishing for Tarpon Hatch Reels withstand all the abuse you can dish out 20 minutes to GO TIME!!! First redfish on fly for Adrian and its a beauty! Bud’s Mud Minnows… Top and right are actually tied by Bud. Bud Rowland’s Mud Minnow getting it done between storms passing in the distance Guess I need to beef it up to 50-lb leader with 30-turn bimini twist and a 100-lb bite tippet!!! South Texas Snook on Fly 20-25lb Silver King Hooked Up Rock Solid Tarpon Tomjo at 2 months! 6+ Foot Tarpon was here ‘Ole Clouser getting it done on a 22inch sea trout 11wt Bendo on Jack! Green is good! Patience and Persistence brought this fine redfish to hand There were too many of these to count! Optical Illusion! A 24inch redfish looks like 19inches up against Justin’s stature! Bowed-up redfish Huggin the Big Ugly Lucky PRG Hat! Waiting for the fish to come to us… Staying on point with fly in hand nice under slot size redfish specimen safely released GUITAR SOLO!!!! Extreme Angles with a King on a Leash Surf’s Up for King Mack! Vic with his keeper redfish that fed 4 people well. Name that Fly Hollow Fleye Seaducer Maximum tension and quick hooks-set kept this mouthful of razors from slicing the 50-lb bite tippet. Not dinner to go? Let it go! Dinner Sized Comb Grouper on the Fly Hard low and left angle on fish running right and tight to the rocks Down in the S… Port Aransas Redfish 25inch Spring Break Redfish Glass Trash on the Beach uncovered. Last catch of the day Tim pauses to admire this fine 32.5 inch redfish before the release Little Beast Sliding By… Dead Drifting Crab Flies Deadly on Redfish Signs of the times? Articulated Bunnies – Redfish Love’em Keeper Redfish on Fly First one to hand and ate well even before the sun came out to warm us. Getting Super Skinny Deep fast water with large rocks holds quality trout River-side lunches with PRG are something to be desired. Owner Travis Smith (right) looks upstream at rising trout while Dirk and I enjoy excellent food and wine. Young of year brown trout couldn’t resist a streamer swung through the deep holes with 300gr sink tip fly lines Dedicated streamer fisherman are rewarded with larger than average trout when fishing with Patagonia River Guides Super Skinny Water Skiff Your Guide will spot the fish for you and can call out each shot Brown Trout Love This tree was our wind block and shade from the harsh sun and wind… PRG Guide spotting giant brown and rainbow trout on the high river banks of the Rio Teka This river is one of many which connect several all natural lakes and supports numerous populations of brown and rainbow trout. But here, if you don’t grow big and do so fast, you will fall prey to the GIANT brown trout that live in these deep crystal clear waters. Its inventor developed this fly in Idaho, but it works around the world and is perfect choice on a cloudy day in Argentina NOT THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY BOATSIDE Credit Card Transactions are made via Square Credit Card Services Port Aransas Planning & Zoning Commissioners hearing from Port of Corpus Christi member Al Jones This fat Brown Trout fell for a streamer Rainbow trout eating flies from under the boat The Rio Grande in the Andes Mtns in Argentina is appropriately named for the size of the river but also well named because epic sized brown and rainbow trout live here. 2013 Thanksgiving Sheepshead on fly South Bay Lakes & sloughs with matted floating widgeon grass where redfish were prowling. Warning Sign Metaphorically & Literally Charlie’s Pasture already takes a beating from big commercial ships. This is a sinkhole that has formed behind the bulkhead. Packed outside and inside City Hall meets re: Harbor Island Come fly fish with Kenjo Fly Charters for 100% bow time! Fly Fishing Redfish Healthy Redfish on the Fly South Jetty newspaper article Lighthouse Lake #5 TPWD Lighthouse Lakes Paddling Trail Webpage Here’s looking at you kid This little silver king graced us with its presence and allowed us this quick opportunity for a photo. Lest we not forget, seagrasses are protected. This sign is posted at the Southwest entrance to Brown and Root Flats A scrappy young of year redfish comes to hand near the Lydia Ann Lighthouse with author Phil Shook. Dinner anyone? Multiple rainbows appeared over Port Aransas this day. In this shot you can see two at the same time. Tanker breaching Inlet to Port Aransas Tanker breaching Inlet to Port Aransas South Texas Saltwater Fishing Calendar Monthly Species Chart Beulah Fly Rods & Hatch Finatic Reels make the perfect combo Giant Jack Crevalle on the Fly Estimated at 50inches of Pure Rock Fury Calm Seas in the Gulf of Mexico Gulls and Terns worked steadily for easy pickins of glass minnows and bay anchovies Silver King on fly at night 13wt getting bendo on an est. 60-lb tarpon. 40-lb tarpon arent long but they are thick even in the tail Sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico Fly Fishing Nearshore spanish mackerel Gulf of Mexico Stuck to a nice sized cow nose ray Comb Grouper caught while fly fishing the Texas Gulf Coast third Coast Buffet: Pelicans and Terns enjoy a breakfast feast of glass minnows, a.k.a. bay anchovies bait ballz! Keeper speckled trout on the fly at Port Aransas Flats Port Aransas Flats at Sunrise Jack Crevalle Blitzing nearshore Texas Gulf Coast Feisty jack crevalle on fly Texas Gulf Red Snapper Hungry Hungry Jack BAIT BALL MASSACRE Fly caught 32″ Tarpon successfully released. 41 inches on this 12wt fly rod! The Hatch Reel stopped this fish within 121 feet. 12 wt getting BENT Now that’s a King Mackerel! The BIG one got away Big Bluefish for being this far South in the Gulf of Mexico Shadowcast Flats Boat Blacktip on conventional gear… going for them on fly rod next DONKEY!!! Fly Tying Step 6 – add 3 sili legs to underside of hook shank Texas Poppin Shrimp Fly Fly Tying Step 1 – Thread Base Fly Tying Step 7 – dub behind, between and in front of legs Fly Tying Step 8 – palmer hackle forward, behind, between and in front of legs Fly Tying Step 9 – add foam, tie in front Fly Tying Step 2 – Brown Super Hair Fly Tying Step 3 – Fold back super hair Fly Tying Step 4 – add golden brown dubbing Early morning delights Fly Tying Step 5 – add hackle tie in at tip Fly Tying Step 11 – add 3 wraps of copper wire Fly Tying Step 10 – tie down foam in back Native Duo There! 9 O’Clock! Cast! Cast! Cast! 4 hour fever And the Release! Sea Habit tied by Capt Kenjo Persistence pays off with a large jack crevalle Starboard Side View looking stern to bow Nose to Tail Only The Essentials Capt Ken at the helm On Point Got color! Colorful Critter heavily weighted flies turn tricks badaboom! On Guard! what the h3!!? Strong 28-inch red drum in skinny water Dark and Stormy – Dreaming of Rum Giving chase! 39″ Long X 21″ Girth = 19.6lbs est. New 2013 Ankona Flats Boat If it had wings it would FLY! 3 on the right, 4 on the left. That makes this red fish a 7 spotter Strike a pose Bayside Pompano on Fly Crunch N Munch – Sheephead on Fly Hareline Dubbing Baitfish Emulator makes a great mullet imitator Fly Fishing Tarpon into the night in the South Texas Coastal Bend City of Granite – South Texas Jetty Early Morning Colors Estimated at 50 inches of Pure Rock Fury Howdy! Heading to Fly Fishing Heaven Speed Demons like this make smoking hot drags! Redfish habitat Mangrove cays such as these are excellent fish attractors Hooked up! Nice Gag Grouper from the rocks at Port Aransas Fly Fishing juvie tarpon in South Texas Northwest view of Port Aransas Inlet Let there be REDFISH! Better have tied perfect knots and used heavy bite tippets~ Early morning sunrise flyfishing in the South Texas Coastal Bend feisty critters although 5wts are more size appropriate Popular redfish hang-out Jumping Tarpon How to really Rock Jersey Jamaica Bay Demo early season striped bass j-bay Salmonella FREE!!! 33-Foot Contender Bent on casting! Mantis Mud The identity of this bonefish has been blurred to protect the innocent Snapper on the menu? Little Pink Lady Strikes AGAIN! These albies actually preferred the FLY! Check out the mouth on that fish! Thirty-two inches and growing! Just an average size striped bass