Prime Fishing dates available upon request

Fall & Winter Redfish Trips can be some of the most exciting fly fishing along the Texas Coast from Port O’ Connor to Port Aransas to the Upper Laguna Madre, including Aransas Pass, fly fishing in Rockport as well as Corpus Christi areas.
The summer crowds slowly disappear when schools starts again. On overcast and slightly windy days, schools of redfish begin working shorelines to crush mullet and shrimp with reckless abandon. What remains are mostly serious fisherman who are content to accept whatever the weather throws at them. We know most days will end up golden no matter what! despite the harshest of weather, large pods of redfish begin herding and crushing mullet while the tides drop. Shrimp also begin moving once a few cold fronts hit. The redfish sweep along shorelines over and over popping the shrimp right out of the water. As the water temps take a good chill from the night air the pigs will move over muddy bottoms presenting real strategic challenges.

Fall & Winter Redfish Trips typically begin in October and will run into March because with each passing cold front the fish know that NOW is the time to push ahead putting on the feedbag and forge your own way without looking back. They also know it will take many days and that the prize isn’t the ending, it is the journey.
Mid to late winter will bring times when the water is very cold from the previous cold front but soon after high pressures deliver bluebird skies and bright sunshine. When there are blue skies and for a few consecutive days, the shallows warm from the sun and the redfish move into the warm shallows to feed.
Use the Book Now button to view Availability or call Captain Kenjo direct at 361-500-2552