Fly fishing on Jack Crevelle Trips is absolute mayhem. Everything happens so fast. From the time they pop-up unannounced right next to the boat, to the explosive top water bite and hook-up onto the reel and then back to hand. The jacks create total chaos throughout the entire process.
PRIME DATES AVAILABLE!!! Book NOW to get Select Dates to reserve your chances of catching the fierce Jack Crevelle in the Bay from a poling skiff

In our area of Port Aransas Texas during May June and July, large amounts of baitfish are abundant during this time of year in the channels, open bays and on the shallow edges of the flats where the mighty Jack Crevelle ambushes its prey in large “wolf-packs”.
They are truly a voracious predator. Along the bay they crush menhaden like scooby snacks and readily take top water flies with reckless abandon. On Jack Crevelle Trips we can hunt them all day or combine the Crevelle hunt with sunrise tailing redfish on the flats. Believe me, these jacks will test your skills and gear to the maximum! I have all the gear you need. Or you can see if your can withstand their brutality. To book over the phone call Capt Kenjo direct at 361-500-2552
Read more fables of the mighty jack crevelle here. Videos are below and on KenjoFly YouTube page