Tag Archives: fly fishing

Change of Seasons

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

Low Tide Pig

It can be hard to explain and even harder to forecast because the weather dictates fish behavior and creates or breaks patterns. So many variables come into play, it can be difficult to determine exactly which variables are the most influential at any given time. It is certain though that the changes in seasons overlap each other, as one weather pattern rescinds another one take over… slowly but surely.

The last few weeks had a few hard short-lived Northers with light winds remaining from the north signaling the redfish to move onto the edges of the flats and feed very heavily with the strong falling tides. Their bellies were full to the brim, and got those fish fat and looking like their bellies would explode if they took another bite.

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

31 inch Texas Bull Redfish

Then, that 2 week long “light early winter pattern” ended and the SE winds and partly cloudy skies took over again and have dominated the forecast for what will end of being about a 2-week period. This changed the fish pattern once again and we zigged when we needed too. Coupled with the full moon pulling out most of the tide before sunrise we jumped back to some of our late summertime patterns and continued to work over the fish despite some moderate winds.

Fast forward a few days from now and we should find ourselves back in an “early winter” pattern and we will zag then to stay on the best fishing we can find. This flip-flop of weather patterns will continue through December with each passing cold front lasting a little longer than the last.

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

This flood tide redfish was loving crabs in the succulents

Eventually the summer patterns will fizzle out and we will soon be into a deep winter pattern by January/February with the exception of those bluebird days when the sunshine warms up key flats and allows us to sight cast again. On those duck weather days though we will strategically fish deep water flats and structures to pull good numbers of fish even though the aren’t up shallow.

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

There is a “first” for everything!

Michael and Marjorie decided to come down and give me the opportunity to put them on their first sight-casted redfish (on the fly)… Their determination was proven and learned quite quickly that the sight fishing game changes everything and since last Saturday have already booked another date in December!

Schools of fish are appearing now with larger sized fish and schools appearing along the outer edges of the flats coming up out of the deep and small to medium sized school fish are popping shrimp up and down the shorelines regardless of wind direction. And now, tonight in the wee hours while the rooster sleeps, another Norther is expected to descend on the Coastal Bend and with that will signal the fish to “put on the feed bag” again!

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

In the skinny on the fly

With all that said, the next week or two should see traditionally amazing “winter pattern” redfishing and I look forward to showing all of you as much of the action as I can!

Contact me ASAP by phone or email for available dates! 361-500-2552 If I don’t answer I am probably wrestling some REDFISH!!! Not to worry Ill call you back soon as the sun sets!

Below are a few pics from guests that I had the pleasure of guiding during the summer months and it was a unique experience where they made spectacular catches! These are my favorite pics and the experiences leading up to them are always great!


red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

Sunset Bull Redfish

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

Never Give UP!!!

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

Windy Day Redfish on Spin and Voodoo Shrimp!

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

This redfish was hard work in the end but completed Johnny’s first South Texas Grand Slam (sheepshead, trout, ladyfish and red drum)!

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

Jose caught this Houndfish in Aransas Bay

red drum, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, beavertail, skiff, flats, guide, saltwater, corpus christi, rockport, laguna madre, airflo, flyline, wind, coast, hatch outdoors, redfish, drum, low tide, trouthunter, leader, tippet, charter, texas

Wind Driven Cow Patties! Or the redfish been messing around! We caught redfish over the tops of these the week before when the tide flooded normally bone dry habitat! We EVEN caught redfish in the cattle trails too!

Open For Business

KenjoFly Charters is proud to announce that the redfish are hungry and returning to the flats in good numbers. Their presence will continue to grow exponentially over the next month or so. Having spent quite a few days on the water since Harvey searching from here to there and both near and far, the consensus was the same immediately following Harvey… redfish were small and scattered.

hurricane harvey, redfish, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, bend, red drum

Best fish caught since Hurricane Harvey passed through the town of Port Aransas.

But now with the frequent Northers we are getting the extremely high tides are beginning to drain and the slot redfish are moving back onto the shallow flats and each day we are seeing an increase in numbers and size of the redfish. We even got to take shots at some absolute slobs this past Wednesday. I have tons more photos to upload. I’ll get around to that towards the end of this month if my availability doesn’t fill up (email me to learn available dates in late October early November).

I have joked in recent weeks that the town of Port Aransas looks no worse than after a busy July 4th weekend. It is my way of adding a little sense of humor to the wreckage that Hurricane Harvey left for us all to clean up. A huge amount of debris has already been removed from the curbs and I now have a nice mountain range [of garbage] to gaze upon. The trash in town seems to come out of thin air and accumulate in large piles overnight, and expect it to be that way for a little while longer since pretty much everything got trashed. The flats of course are not trashed as nature has a way or recovering from natural disasters MUCH faster than civilization.

redfish, port aransas, hurricane, harvey, texas, coast, bend, fly fishing, rockport, corpus christi

Best fish on Brad’s first day sight casting redfish on the fly. A 25 inch pumpkin tailer!

Some Guests have already braved the unfamiliar torn apart town. They ventured with me out onto the water dodging some new hazards in search of redfish and the weather conditions in the last week have been more than favorable to target these fish by sight from the skiff. A lot of new territories has opened up and reshaped much of the topography of the haunts that the South Texas redfish prefer. The redfish aren’t confused at all and the best indicator I am seeing is that the bellies of these fish are completely FULL.

The excitement is building each day and every time we go out in search we are seeing more and more fish. About half the fish are tailing and the rest are cruising crushing bait once pushed into ambush. There is no shortage of redfish at which to cast and Anglers are staying on point and busy most of the day taking shots at the hungry red drum. The average size is also increasing and in the near future schools of redfish should begin to appear as the North winds shift and begin to prevail.

October is fairly booked but a few dates are still available here and there. November last year proved to be a fantastic time leading up to Thanksgiving and I expect the timeliness to be similar if not early. Therefore late October is also prime (DONt MISS OUT!)  and has a good number of dates available for anyone who hasn’t already booked with me. Simply give me a call and we will get things coordinated. Just call me direct! 361-500-2552

redfish, port aransas, hurricane, harvey, texas, coast, bend, fly fishing, rockport, corpus christi

Succulent Crawler

Lodging is coming back around in Port Aransas as well as places to eat. Below are links to places local to Port Aransas and lists what is open to accommodate our Guests in this regard. Other lodging and food options are available in Corpus Christi area as well.



Hot Redfish

texas, gulf, redfish, coast, fly fishing, port aransas, rockport, corpus christi, laguna madre, tailing

Letting Go of Big Red

On the lowest of tides in South Texas the wildlife is thriving on most every flat. You can smell all the animals out there in the still clean air.

There is a plethora of migratory shorebirds of all sizes and colors, scrounging through the matted sea grass and mud of the flats that are now drained. Litle white-yellowish butterflies flicker about in the breeze looking for a mangrove blossom. The sounds of locuts and cicadas fgill the air but the cadence breaks everytime a redfish crashes on some bait along the shoreline.

For someone who has lived way out in the country and even in the big cities, the fragrance of Mother Nature is most appealing.

Aromas of fresh shrimp, crabs, oysters and fish permeate the morning air and my nose tells me it is going to be a fantastic day fly fishing the Lower Texas Coast.

Within minutes of setting up on the flat, we begin to see large fire-orange glowing triangles breaking the surface at over 100 feet away. REDFISH Schools! And Big’uns at that!

We are surrounded. There! 9 o’clock! 60 feet and closing! A fleet of six dark shapes emerges from the diamond glare of the sun. Swimming in a fighter-jet formation, heading straight for the boat are massive well-fed top-slot redfish sweeping across the flat crushing any bait that dares let them get too close.

texas, gulf, sheepshead, coast, fly fishing, port aransas, rockport, corpus christi, laguna madre

Bah Bah Bah!!!! She ate with reckless abandon!

“Hey Man?” the guide whispers loudly, hoping the angler on point can hear him but trying not to spook the gang. “There’s a tail at 11o’clock, 40 feet from your tippy toes. See that sheepshead looking right at ya! CAST!” The fly lands a foot short of the fish, leader straight and the game of chase begins. The man on the bow starts stripping and stripping and the fish follows, slowing closing the gap. Then suddenly, just when we think the fish is going to bail, she commits to eating and just nailed the chartreuse shrimp fly throwing a rooster-tail of water behind the line as it ripped away from the boat. “Ahhhh! Sweet!” the man on the bow exclaims.

texas, gulf, redfish, coast, fly fishing, port aransas, rockport, corpus christi, laguna madre, tailing,

Diamond Redfish

I Give me a call ASAP to get booked for prime fishing dates in August and September. NOW IS THE TIME! Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552 or email [email protected]


What We Learn

redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail, marsh, spartina, grass, sunrise, mullet, crab, shrimp, fly only, catch and release, trout, speckled, speck, snaggletooth, sock, deep, water, skinny, culture, wade, fishing

29inch redfish in sock deep water

Often-times I am amazed at what we learn when spending time in the outdoors observing wild animals in their niche habitat. If you can slow down enough you will be amazed. Somehow, there are times when I see a fish and begin reading its behavior and I soon anticipate that the fish is going to make a turn there, and then we will have a good clean shot with the fly.

Return guest Tom (6’3″), caught this redfish 20 feet from us only seconds after I dropped to my knees and went on point as this 29 inch over-slot redfish came barreling towards us in sock-deep water through a thin line of spartina grass. Despite cloudy conditions Tom has learned how to present a fly close range to a fish that is closing the gap fast. Come fish with me and learn how to keep from over-shooting the fish that are charging you head on.


redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail, marsh, spartina, grass, sunrise, mullet, crab, shrimp, fly only, catch and release

Look at that smile!

First-time Guest Barrie worked well through a tough day and prevailed when he learned how to lay the fly gently on the water and tweak his fly selection to entice some very spooky fish that had been keeping him on his toes. Dark grassy bottom, cloudy skies with plenty of wind made it difficult to see the fish but once he knew what to look for in this situation he was soon taking shot after shot at fish left and right. You can just feel the sense of accomplishment Barrie has just by the look on his face! With no time to loose, Barrie will be back again in June to overcome a whole new set of challenges.




redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail, marsh, spartina, grass, sunrise, mullet, crab, shrimp, fly only, catch and release, trout, speckled, speck, snaggletooth

Gail stuck 3 trout in 3 casts. The big one ate first but got away under the boat, but the other two just wanted to a photo op with such a fun lady!


Spotted sea trout, or speckled trout, are one of the most difficult fish to sight cast on the fly. Their body shape and markings make them excellent at the game of hide-and-seek, and their patience to lay motionless for extended periods of why many fisherman pass over some fine trophies without hardly ever knowing that a big sow trout was laying in wait for its next meal. It is a true spectacle though when you finally get a legitimate cast at a big ole mamma trout and she charges your fly like lightning then turns away at 90 degrees without breaking stride in defiant rejection of the chosen offering. Rumor has it this is common for trout anglers to experience which is why so many of them wade very deep edges looking for “easy-pickins”.





redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail, marsh, spartina, grass, sunrise, mullet, crab, shrimp, fly only, catch and release, trout, speckled, speck, snaggletooth, houndfish

Traffic be damned, we spotted this houndfish at 80ft, closed the gap to 65 feet and Jose threw the fly right where it needed to be!

Its always good to be ready and being able to throw a clean cast out of 80-90 feet will prove to be invaluable in the salt even if the majority of the time only 30-50ft cast are necessary. Some fish just wont let you get closer and this houndfish was the same, as we moved towards the houndfish, it moved away from us and we were barely able to close the gap enough for Jose to fire off a beautiful cast and get the fly right where it needed to be. On the business end of this fish, rarely spotted inside the bay.

Redfish Sunrises

redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail, marsh, spartina, grass, sunrise

Sunrise Sessions are the BEST!

The alarm on his smartphone springs to life at 0430hrs and is quickly silenced by stiff, dry and cracked fingers fumbling to get the damn touchscreen on his phone to recognize his gesture. Within minutes a fresh batch of coffee is ready and out the door the early bird flies.


“I’ve got to figure out how to get that door to stop creaking!” he thinks to himself as he turns slowly to secure it behind him praying the rest of the family doesn’t wake up at such an ungodly hour. Replacing the hinges and even some oil just did not resolve all the horrific creaks this door makes. “This may require more research”, and he sticks the mental note in the back of his head, at the bottom of his priority list. Backing and Tailing Redfish are on his mind, consuming his thought processes.

Hooking up the boat trailer to the rusty old Silverado is a snap. Its been done so many times before. Locked and loaded, the Sunrise Guide is happy the garage door oil DID work well.

redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail, marsh, spartina, grass, sunrise, mullet, crab, shrimp, fly only, catch and release, trout, speckled, speck, snaggletooth

Another redfish release

SPLASH! The boat slides off the trailer and into the water, plugs? Check! The over-used engine fires up with ease and she idles dockside awaiting her passengers for the day.

As false dawn nears, part of the sky is illuminated between towering clouds providing just enough light on the water to race to the flats in search of tailing and backing redfish. “Hopefully we will see a school of redfish today” the Sunrise Guide thinks quietly as he begins to feed everyone’s imagination with “tips & tricks for redfish”. Within another minute, he can see on the face of his Anglers that it is already too much to remember. Experience is the best teacher sometimes.

redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail

Stalked this fine fish in a transition area where a steady flow of redfish and drum lasted practically all day. Nailed it!

Settled in on the flat, up on the pole looking for signs of life, a wake appears just ahead of the boat but on the upwind backside. “Damn near impossible shot. Gotta let that one go.” The guide whispers, and then suddenly another darts off in a long curving line to the left as it struggles to get outside of the Anglers casting range.

“Ya took too long to make a move on that fish but this is a good place to wade”, he mentions to his Guest. “Let’s start here. The Game has only just begun…” And the Sunrise guide knows just what is in store for his sleepy eyed Angler… A target-rich environment with lots of opportunities to sight-cast to redfish in such shallow water that their backs are in the air and if in a “deeper” spot, their tails will be waving for attention to the morning’s spectators.

What transpires over the next few hours for the willing anglers who are not afraid of a challenge, paints their imagination in full color through their own eyes engraving those moments in memory in vivid detail.

There are some quality sized redfish in the shallows right now and the tides are right for small groups to be found. I have a few dates open this week and a few in July, simply give me a call to get on board! Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552

redfish, drum, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, coast, guide, saltwater, charter, airflo, sims, hatch, beavertail, marsh, spartina, grass, sunrise, mullet, crab, shrimp, fly only, catch and release

Calf Deep Redfish Upper Slot


Texas Coast Spring Run

red drum, fly fishing, port, aransas, texas, coast, rockport, corpus christi, redfish, spottail, tail, sight, casting, mangroves, spartina, cord, grass, spring

Pat nailed this bronze 28 inch redfish on a PERFECT day

Spring has most certainly sprung on the Texas Coast and many first-timers have gotten exactly what they came for… to sight cast Texas Redfish along the coast near Port Aransas. Many thanks to those of you who have fished with me so far this year! It is you and the fish together that has made it so great to be a fly guide in South Texas!

The red drum, trout and black drum are in great shape due to the good rains we have experienced for the past three springs. This has helped keep the fish well fed throughout the low periods while spawning and during the somewhat colder winters. The fresh water that comes in the form of rain here promotes life and abundance from the smallest of organisms to the largest.

red drum, fly fishing, port, aransas, texas, coast, rockport, corpus christi, redfish, spottail, tail, sight, casting, mangroves, spartina, cord, grass, spring

First-timer Wolf stuck this fine 27 inch redfish with a trick cast out from behind a a 3-stick mangrove at close range.

What this means is a better than average redfish run this spring (currently going on NOW). And of course, another banner summer and fall. Hell, I am already looking forward to the winter. But lets not rush the seasons please. We have ALOT of fish to catch this year!

Lets get one thing straight about the Texas Coast. The Wind blows. It doesn’t really stop. If it does and youre out there fishing in no wind, you certainly spend a fair amount of time outdoors because if you waited for it to stop, it would blow again by the time you were ready to go. AND on most days if the wind isnt blowing you will wish it was blowing just to help keep you cool. All the better reasons to learn to cast in the wind. You can fish just about anytime.

red drum, fly fishing, port, aransas, texas, coast, rockport, corpus christi, redfish, spottail, tail, sight, casting, mangroves, spartina, cord, grass, spring

Cloudy with a chance of Redfish

I betchya a school of tailing top-slot redfish 30-ft upwind is a damn good reason to learn to cast upwind. I can help you with that too. But lets have the casting lessons off the water. All the more reason to take a few casting classes through your local fly shop. Remember the hand-eye-coordination thing takes time to master, be patient with yourself and practice a few minutes everyday which is better than 8hrs on Saturday (with you guide). Weekdays are better anyways for fishing!

Speaking of weather, I have said it before, dont worry about the weather when you book. Even the National Weather Service can hardly keep their forecast updated fast enough.

red drum, fly fishing, port, aransas, texas, coast, rockport, corpus christi, redfish, spottail, tail, sight, casting, mangroves, spartina, cord, grass, spring

Doubled-up First Timers

Any forecast for more than a few days out is misleading because the patterns are just changing more rapidly than before. BUT, despite the weather, good and bad, or whatever other people call bad, it hasn’t really slowed the fish down very much. It certainly hasn’t kept us at the dock, as long as there is a favorable route to the fishing grounds to keep us safe we will go. Of course, I need to see some excitement in your eyes too when it is time to leave the dock. The water temperatures are PRIME right now and should remain prime for a while more before dead of summer really sets in.

This period is when the fish are eating everything from crabs to mullet to shrimp to you name it. The fish are schooled up thicker and thicker each day and tailing more and more too. Again, despite the clouds, wind, rain or sunshine. All this is going on RIGHT NOW!

I have immediate availability for this week and some availability through April and May on into summer but dates are steadily filling up so don’t hesitate to book a trip based on the weather.

red drum, fly fishing, port, aransas, texas, coast, rockport, corpus christi, redfish, spottail, tail, sight, casting, mangroves, spartina, cord, grass, spring

Vibrant Colors from Schooling Red Drum

There is a damn good chance you’ll get to see some redfish action much like what you might see in some heavily produced DVD. The only exception is you’re going to get to witness these fish doing their thing first-hand. Nothing beats watching a school of redfish stacked tight enough together you couldn’t put your foot between them, all in 8 inches of water with their tails waving in the air, flagging you from 150 yards away.

red drum, fly fishing, port, aransas, texas, coast, rockport, corpus christi, redfish, spottail, tail, sight, casting, mangroves, spartina, cord, grass, spring

Sight-casted Tailing Redfish

And then, half way there, the fish’s position demands that you circumnavigate a 100ft oyster reef just to get close enough for a shot with the fly rod. The pressure is immense and continues to build all the way up to the fish. 80ft and closing, 50ft now, 40ft, 30FEET! Your guide then whispers, “Hey, Are you gonna cast? Take the shot!” and then finally… a cast is made and a fish is hooked. The End. Now, lets do it again!!!


Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552

Thats a wrap

redfish, guide, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, rockport, flats, saltwater

Redfish Swim

Ladies and Gentlemen… its a wrap folks!

This year of 2016 has been fantastic with many wonderful days sight-casting redfish of all manners. We got to see tons of fish!

They were laid up, crawling, cruising, floating, tailing, schooled up and blitzing in schools down the grassy shorelines, crushing any and all of the helpless baits that were so abundant this year. Over clean hard sand, in clear water brown bottomed creeks, out among the turtle grass patches and tickling their chins over the fine-haired shoal grass.

backing redfish

By my observations, fish numbers are up, mostly thanks to all the rain Texas has received in the past couple years. This benefits the bottom of the food chain and over time the bounty moves up. 2017 will be another chart topper!

Many thanks to all the Guests who fished with me this year, every time, every one of us got in on some great days, and mad props to those who stuck it out during the more difficult days. The unpredictable weather is exciting and the Number 1 reason why it is important to learn a wide range of techniques in casting. We all still managed to get our hands fishy and learned quite a lot in the process adapting our equipment and techniques to get in front of the fish.

redfish, guide, fly fishing, port aransas, corpus christi, rockport, flats, saltwater

Admiration of the Redfish

There were many first timers as well who got their first taste of saltwater fly fishing, and I know for certain that they are just as hooked as the fish they finally caught! I cherish these moments because then, even a small fish is GIANT!

Looking forward to 2017, the early months in the year can have exceptional opportunities to sight cast. Timing with the weather is easier in Jan/Feb/March so don’t hesitate to call and get on the books to reserve your date. This past Jan/Feb/March was incredible and if you ask me, its quite the best time to fish.

Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year! Here is a little video from when the fish were blitzing down the grassy shorelines. Tight Lines and Sweet Fishy Dreams!



Boot Deep Backing Redfish

A fine afternoon in the lee it turned out to be… Caught 2 from the boat then found’em good in the lee every 30ft.

Power pole down, jumped out of the boat to go on wading in boot deep water with backing redfish crushin baits over hard sand against the spartina grass edges. Four more redfish to hand, and at least 4 others missed. Weekdays are where it’s at this time of year! Cancel all other plans except fishing plans! Wednesday Thursday are STILL looking golden in the forecast and I am open! Call Capt Ken ASAP 361-500-2552

red drum, redfish, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, corpus christi

Four Spots Loves Brown Crab

red drum, redfish, fly fishing, port aransas, texas, corpus christi

Redfish on a chain


Left’em biting

redfish, texas, coast, port aransas, fly fishing, guide

Crab Crusher

Day 1: Despite moderate north winds and cloudy skies, new guest, Mark from Colorado, arrived at the dock 45 minutes early and without even fastening the skiff to the dock he stepped aboard without hesitation and we hauled ass to the flats. We shared our anticipation levels as I explained the drill for the day as we held onto the slightest hope the sun would pierce the cloud layer for a minute or more… In short order, as we worked along a grassy shoreline we began to see redfish flushing from prime feeding habitat. Most all our shots were close range and by noon Mark had nailed five fine redfish to 25inches.

redfish, texas, coast, port aransas, fly fishing, guide

Bull-Rushing Redfish

There was a short lull in the action but by mid afternoon the redfish began to work in our favor again and Mark nailed a few more and missed several other eats. But that wasn’t the end, Mark was hooked as much as the redfish and on the way back to the dock he asked if we could fish the next day. “YES!” I exclaimed, and it was written, we would meet the next morning even earlier.

redfish, texas, coast, port aransas, fly fishing, guide

Texas Redfish

Day 2: Thicker clouds and a light rain greeted us as the sun worked tirelessly to break the horizon but the flat light would stick with us all day and we never got a glimpse of the sun. The fish were a little more spooky than yesterday but the tide was an inch or two lower and some floating shoal grass had rafted up along some fabulous stretches of shoreline. Undeterred, Mark nailed 3 fine fish before noon when we broke for a quick sandwich and booted up to wade into the marsh to hunt down some quality redfish at very close range. We got a couple shots at some smaller cruising fish and then we began to hear a WHOP! over here and then another WHOP! over there. And it wasn’t long we had a tail pop-up just 30-feet away in the thick cord-grass and we slipped into position to take a shot.

redfish, texas, coast, port aransas, fly fishing, guide

Low-Light Stalking

Next thing we know the fish is 8 feet away from our toes, in calf deep water and Mark makes a 10foot cast and sweeps the rod left to get the fly in front of the fish and… WHAMO!!! The next 24inch redfish crushed the crab fly and threw water everywhere ripping thru the tall tough grass straining the 25lb fluorocarbon tippet. And that is why we run the bigger leaders, so we can stay buttoned to the fish in the thick cover. We both wished we had the costa sunrise optics all weekend due to the heavy overcast and rainy skies but the Smith Chromapop Bronze mirrored lenses really helped get it done! We ended the day with tailing schools of redfish and bull-rushing mid-slot doubles closing in on the fly from 2 different angles and crushing it, hooking up Mark on a pumpkin orange 26-inch Texas Redfish with no time to spare before we hauled ass back to the dock so Mark could catch his flight!

redfish, texas, coast, port aransas, fly fishing, guide

Bull-Rushing Redfish

We left’em biting, tailing, and schooling… The skies have already cleared tonight and the weather forecast all this week is GOLDEN!

I am available so call immediately to get in on the great action under perfect sight-casting conditions!

-Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552

Reds on the fly

Redfish, fly fishing, texas, coast, guide

Capt Marcus showing off a brilliantly colored fall redfish.

The fall run is FAR from over folks! While the redfish have been schooling for a while on the deeper flats, they are just now starting to school up on some of my favorite flats for this time of year! We have some perfect weather in the forecast for next week which should make sight casting very exciting!

The last few days have been typical winter pattern but mild nonetheless. The fish have been waiting for these first few cold fronts and they are really feeding agressively now that we have a cold front that last longer than 24hrs. Even on the cloudy days we are able to fish the flats blind and have done well despite the weather.

School, redfish, tailsup, fly fishing, guide, port aransas, texas, coast

Top slot fall redfish

This time of year always excites me most because the majority of boating pressure on the flats is gone, the fish are far less spooky, alot hungrier and in denser concentrations. We are also seeing more quality sized fish (top slotters) as well.

We will also be taking some trips to more remote areas such as the Laguna Madre and other smaller bay systems with extensive marshlands. Group trips with 2 boats, 2 guides and up to 4 anglers can be arranged as well.

I have some dates available next week (excellent weather is forecast) so if you get a wild hair and want to jet down to the coast to take advantage of some of the best fishing of the year regardless of the weather now is the time!

Call now to get on board!

Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552