We got lucky a few times recently and got to search offshore for tarpon and sharks on the beaches recently. Pulling on hard fish is one thing but not pulling too hard is another. On one occasion we got to take a few shots at some 4-5ft Texas Tarpon and Blacktip Sharks! We managed to hook into one and break it off right away and the sharks gave us a damn good run as well. Just look at the size of the hole in the water.
The Winston Alpha Plus Super Bend! The camera played a bit of a trick while filming the fight with a 5ft blacktip shark. This is the moment in which I am in the process of “letting go” of everything!
The @winstonrods Alpha 9wt is in this shot, and as you can see, it was taking a beating! I’m not intentionally holding onto the rod but this shot was a screen grab of film and the fish surged so fast and hard while I was leadering the 5footer, the beast pulled the rod through my hands “as” I was letting go of the leader. Note: the rod did not break under this strain!
SIDE NOTES: If you want to book an offshore trip for September, October or November let’s go catch’em up! Do it, get on the books. The weather window is hard to predict but there is pretty good hope this time of year for very calm seas. It is my preference that you fish as a single angler because the boat can get quite crowded when we are working out front with more than one angler. Having a strong double haul in your cast also helps incredibly well. We hope to find bonita out there soon too along with tarpon, sharks ladyfish redfish and sometimes trout. If the seas are tooo rough we will stay in the bay and fish the flats for redfish drum and trout.
Robert came back for a second helping and nailed quite a few redfish in Port Aransas Texas
Prime-Time is here on the Texas Coast for fly fishing redfish with the fly rod. We had a great last few weeks on the skiff in the bay and got offshore a time or two but the weather window barely cooperated out front. Good redfish drum and speckled trout catches were had in the bay and we got to tangle with tons of ladyfish and blacktip sharks out front. The tarpon evaded us on the one day we saw some. And with that, there is still much to look forward to as the fall seasons on the Texas coast transpire.
Chris caught this 22inch speckled trout while casting to a school of tailing redfish!
The water is looking great and all of the bait species are abundant. This means that the fishing will become greater and greater and it has already been pretty exceptional the last two weeks. Looking at the forecast, the fall seasons on the Texas coast are about to get kick started into high gear! This will incite great runs of redfish, black drum, trout, and flounder. Dates for September and October are still available!
It took Bill a few tries and had a few bull red heartaches a couple more times but we got him a big Texas Jack Crevalle offshore Port Aransas
The cooler water and air temperatures will really turn them on too. The last few weeks helped cool the water already. So get yourself on the books ASAP for fast approaching dates! Use the Book Now button to avoid delays in booking! Don’t miss this awesome run for 2021 as Fall Seasons on the Texas Coast. we’ll be sure to get you on fish so you can take your shots at some sight casted saltwater fish!
Chef Adam got some black drum for dinner!
Dates for November 2021 are also available. Shoot me an email if you have any questions or simply use the button below! I am looking forward to taking you all fly fishing the fall season on the Texas Middle Coast!
There are times where the weather shifts the voracious activities of the mighty Texas jack crevelle. It can go from Off to Wide Open in an instant. That is when we need to be ready to strike. Then it can go from On back to Off again just like that! As the weather changes dramatically and frequently during the late spring season, it can move the fish around but they still have to eat.
Mighty Texas Jacks
One thing is certain, if they disappear from one area, they will reappear in another at any time. In full force, when it is time, they will put on the feed-bag! Variables continue to evolve and all of these get the fish staged and worked up to put on a grand ole show! So get on the books now for your chance at catching one of these Texas Jack Crevelle! The last few dates open are June 14-17 and this particular week could prove to be very exciting!
Texas Jack Crevalle will improve your fish fighting skills
Rob and I hunted high and low for the jacks but didn’t track them down immediately. So we detoured to the flat, picked off his first redfish on fly then heading back out into another area to scout for the jack crevelle and sure enough, we found them, off the beaten path and Rob crushed 3 of these fish on his first saltwater fly trip ever! Knowing how to double haul absolutely helped Rob throw the 11-wt the first time and get that big popper fly where it needed to be!
Here is a short video of a big Texas jack that I had hooked up with while scouting before a client trip. Sorry for the rough work but I was working the skiff solo! I was using the R.L. Winston 11wt B3 Plus paired with Hatch Finatic 9 Plus with the drag rather tight. The Winston Alpha Series is latest and greatest and I’ll be adding the 12wt Alpha to the skiff soon!
MEGA Sheepshead on Fly (Tom is 6 foot 4 inches tall)
Oftentimes, I get asked, “What tides are best? What are your favorite water temps? What is your favorite time of year to fish?” And I always tell them, “Right NOW!” (they’re usually already on the boat with me) and that is true for several reasons. Now is your time to fish, Now is the time you have put aside to do some fly fishing, and NOW is where we are, doing what we are doing! The best time to go fishing is when you have given yourself the time… Why not learn something new about how to find and catch fish during whatever time and weather conditions you get for the day? Why not learn how to cast better? Why not learn some trick casts for catching those more “difficult” fish? Why not enjoy the moment and the experience and the serenity that you are really looking for? And conversely, Why do most people want that “film tour” type of day and only book if you promise them the stairway to heaven, mecca?
Hell, I have been fly fishing personally for 26 years exclusively and guiding many fine people for 10 years in saltwater. Even still, I too dream of those “cherry days” when the fish just hook up on every cast or those days when you get multiple shots (or even one shot) at a trophy or “personal best” fish. You know how every single awesome fishing story starts with, “You should have been here yesterday”… but I always have thought to myself and tell everyone, “Yesterday could be your tomorrow and you better be there [tomorrow]!!!” How many times is the weatherman wrong? What do they know about fishing anyways?
Fangs for Days Yellow Mouth Speckled Trout
While I guide folks in all sorts of environment variables with all levels of skill and abilities, as your guide I certainly work my butt off starting early and/or finishing late just trying to use what assets you brought to the boat so I can show you the fish you want to hunt and if Lady Luck is on our side and you can keep Murphy from jumping on your back, then we will get to play hooky with some of the coolest fish the Texas Coast has to offer.
Our water temps are just now getting into the PRIME RANGE, and while the onset of the next cold front might chill the water a bit the fish still have to eat. The bluebird skies forecast after this next front are looking fabulous and consecutive. Massive amounts of redfish, trout, drum and sheepshead are going to blitz the shallows all thru next week. Give me a call direct or book anything online using the button below! I look forward to exercising your fly fishing skills and stretching you to be the best you can be for the day with me. Certainly, I will do everything humanly possibly to get you the “fish of your life”! Every cast counts, every opportunity can be seized even in tough conditions unless you stay on the couch watching the weather all pissed off because it was foggy or windy or cloudy.
Emerald green waters from offshore in the Gulf of Mexico are moving against the beaches now pushing new life into the bays and large predator fish follow suit. The bay is absolutely teeming with wildlife, with false albacore making an appearance in the channels and wolf packs of jacks in the wide open bays. The weather has been phenomenal this last month and provided us some opportunities to work the deeper edges of the flat and has been producing some nice fat trout and even a few big bull redfish have been caught. This 38 inch redfish is currently holding the new all-time boat record, with a 32 inch red drum to hand just the day before. Yesterday’s jack may also hold the boat record for its species although we have broken off bigger crevelle in some sickening fights on the 11wt already.
“Stay Tight Charlie!!!”
Rhett & Kathleen love fly fishing the saltwater flats of the Texas Coast
At sunrise, way back in the saltwater lakes of the marsh many pods of tailing redfish are chowing down on crabs and shrimp and are willing eaters for everyone who remains quiet and stealthy.
Shhhhh! Just listen to the sounds of nature surrounding you. Be Here NOW. (TURN UP THE VOLUME)
26 inch Red Drum on the fly
Bright skies and a patiently determined fly fisherman can put some nice fish in the boat!
Sunrise and Sunset trips are also available NOW! Don’t hesitate! Give me a call to book your next saltwater fly fishing adventure in Port Aransas Texas. Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552