Ready and Waiting
New York’s Premier Destination to Fly Fish for Stripers
With every sunny day hope is budding and the dreams of big striped bass at the end of my fly line come rushing back into my mind as if it were yesterday.
As I think back through all my fishing memories, it seems as though some of the best ones came from those times when out just scouting around on an early or late season trip and then all of a sudden, the fish reveal themselves to you, and in astonishment, you look around to know if anyone is watching. Not to hide the action, but to see if anyone is there to bear witness to the natural event of a fish feeding voraciously on your homemade fly, which sometimes its appearance is questionable as to exactly what is tied on the end of your line.
These are some of the best reasons to fly fish, in that the challenge doesn’t just end with catching a fish, but the challenge can also be in tying that saltwater fly that no fish would turn down.
So, until the fish arrive and the boat is in the water, I’ll be out there in the bay, on the water, field testing all the prototype flies that seemed to appear over this past winter. It is certain that some will return to the tying desk for further design and modification.
There have been rumors. Accompanied by minuscule reports followed by grandiose gossip and even a mirage or two! The striped bass are getting closer and it could be any day now that they appear out of thin air and start feeding on the herring and bunker that have taken a refuge in Jamaica Bay.
Prime time sure is getting close!!!
To make your reservation call direct!
Keeping the hooks sharp,
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing
Licensed by USCG (OUPV)
Member F.C.A.