Tag Archives: jamaica bay

Guerilla Bluefish-ing in NY Bight

WOW! New York bight fishing was filled with screaming drags & aerial acrobatics!

stay tuned to Kenjo Fly Fishing in New York City


My guest today was vacationing in NYC from Europe and really showed his world-wide angling skills! We really put a hurtin on some monster, I mean, MONSTER Bluefish! Right out of the gate, FISH ON, and once we got this 15-lb bluefish to the boat we spotted another fish, which resembled a giant 30-lb bass, which was chasing down the big bluefish already on the hook and under siege!!! Sure wish we could have gotten a closer look at whatever fish that was!!!!

When I grabbed the tail of this bluefish, it spit out the whole bunker, all in one piece! Upon closer inspection this ancient bluefish had literally no teeth!

no teeth

International Angler Zyed battles monster bluefish in NY Bight

After witnessing this event unfold before my very eyes today, it certainly supports the idea that these two species of fish will swim side-by-side and compete head to head for food flushing out of Jamaica Bay! The silver-sides and bay anchovies are getting hammered as well. Find the birds and you will find the cocktail bluefish… Remember to have fun and keep switching up lures or flies until you find the fish that eats! It is also a good idea to remove any front end trebles on plugs, swimmers and other casting lures. Single hooks simply make for safer landing and de-hooking so you can get that plug back in the water! Plus, it tears up the fish so much less that there is no reason not to reduce the total number of hook points on your lures. WinWin for the angler, and the fish!

Pre-shaped haywire twists were a good finisher to the day after using up all the 50-lb mono on the boat! I prefer large test mono instead of wire because it is easier on the hands when landing fish and it doesn’t kink after a few fish. Nonetheless, it is a good idea to wear a fish glove when handling the bluefish too! It allows for better leader control which aids in better protection for your hands from line cuts to the fingers or palms. For convenience I only use one glove on my non-dominant hand, which handles the leader until the fish is under control and while handling the fish for quick pics and the release.


SO! Like a bird, get out there with your light-weight tins, heavy metals (yeah!), and small 2-inch to 5-inch cream colored flies with a silver stripe down each side and even throw in some live bait if you can keep it alive. It is a good thing the bunker are still in town. Until next time, keep your hooks & your wits sharp! Change is good and so is the challenge in cracking the code of finding huge fish that are no where near the birds!


Keeping the hooks sharp,
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing
Licensed by USCG (OUPV)


Grunts heard around Jamaica Bay

Blasting 20-knot+ winds and hammering tides coming off a full moon had the bass inside Jamaica Bay pulling their Houdini hats down over their noggins yesterday.

Jamaica Bay Striper

Just look at the size of that TAIL! Is that a sign of BIG BASS potential?

The bait is there in some places, mostly 10-14inches in size and not in the denser concentrations we would all like to see. The striped bass inside the bay are being a little elusive and can sometimes make it necessary to get back on the hunt to check for fish in multiple spots… Outside in and around NY Bight is rumored to be another story…

Nonetheless, we managed to pickup a couple of striped bass, both had a good amount of energy when they swam away, tails kicking fast and furious! It was interesting also to see a schoolie bass come up that had survived, or should I say, narrowly escaped, what appeared to be 4 separate attacks from diving birds of some sort, most likely a gannet… For the bass’ sake, he was lucky to have escaped the clutching razor sharp beaks of those birds with only scratches and quite a few missing scales… and for the gannet, i hope he was more successful in subsequent attempts to find dinner!

On another note, it is good to see the kind officers of the DEC out on patrol, stopping on their way past, just to see how the fishing was going! Always good to know these men are out there on the water and brave enough to take on the elements to provide us marine security and enforcement of our fishing regulations.

As of late a few Osprey’s have been sighted as well, and are such magnificent animals to bear witness when they are able to pick up a 14-inch bunker and fly away with it!

Until next time, pray the wind lay low…

Keeping the hooks sharp,
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing
Licensed by USCG (OUPV)
[email protected]

Jamaica Bay Bass Action

The bass action in Jamaica Bay is officially ON (THE FLY)!!!

Jamaica Bay Striped Bass

early season striped bass j-bay

…after a brief scouting mission and initial sea trial, lady luck was on our side and the striped bass are eating flies already this spring and that means good stuff!!!

Nothing like getting the backing salty during the second to last day of March!!!

If you are looking for striped bass they are definitely here with quality sized fish in the mix… There will be some bruisers here in no-time. Hope to hear from you soon.

Feel free to call anytime!
Keeping the hooks sharp,
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing
Licensed by USCG (OUPV)

Summertime Striped Bass in NY

jamaica bay bass in july

This was just a small bit of what we encountered yesterday

Typically by this time people have turned their attention to other species like tuna, mahi mahi, fluke, and porgies but dont overlook the striped bass just yet! They are still here on the west end of Long Island, only minutes away from NYC compared to the long haul out east… We got on the stripers big tme yesterday just a few miles from the dock and produced countless fish on fly, spin and poppers, all between 18-27 inches. There are also some biggers ones in the mix, just gotta catch a few of the schoolies to get into a real brute! Give me a call immediately to book a trip in the next few days before this water turns into a hottub and the bass dissapear until October!

Keeping the hooks sharp,
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing – Guide Services
Licensed by USCG (OUPV)


Fishing Jamaica Bay

Nothing better than a NY Sunrise!

It is never too early!

Should have been there yesterday! Better be there tomorrow!

It is never easy to coordinate a NY lifestyle to accommodate a little fish action, but with a little bit of effort and spontaneity you can find yourself in a situation like this.

Have fun out there this Memorial Day weekend and remember to thank a serviceman or servicewoman for their dedication in keeping our country safe!

Good times

Topwater bassin

Grinning from ear to ear!

The Grip and Grin – hard earned and well deserved!

The cards fell into place and we were able to pull off a winning day on the water. Tom and Rob put the smack down on some very hot striped bass action and those Jamaica Bay stripers didn’t stand a chance although each and every fish was shown mercy and was released safely. Best fish went 17lbs on the Boga Grip!

Striped Bass Jammin

Jamaica Bay Stripers

Want to pet a striped bass?

Although many people haved frowned upon all the cloudy and rainy weather we have had recently, this has actually in fact turned on the stripers, and they have taken up transient residence in Jamaica Bay! The best part of all this weather is that the wind has been minimal. The topwater action has also been very good when placing the fly in the right spot and when imparting just the right action! Move it too fast, and it wont get touched, and if you move it too slow, it will still be ignored… The key is to keep it moving erratically, changing up the cadence as much as possible without moving the fly too far on each strip!

There are still a few days free in May and not too many left in June! Give me a call or shoot me an email asap to get onboard to take your shots at some of the biggest bass of the year!

Call: 361-500-2552 or [email protected]

Fly Fishing NY Harbor

Striped Bass NY

Just an average size striped bass

The quick turn from Winter to Spring almost makes everyone think that summer is already here! I will never complain as I love the warm sun more than anything!

With the air temperatures already reaching 70 and bluebird skies that New York has experienced recently, this has caused the top layer of the water column to warm nicely while the lower portion of the water column has remained cold. Of course this has the fish spread out all along the surface which can make it difficult to locate fish. BUT, it can also bring about some explosive topwater action! Knowing the minute details of the area you are fishing such as underwater structure, currents and proximity to habitat, utilizing patience is critical and covering alot of water with your fly can prove to be worthwhile!

I’ve always said, “Trust your sonar, but do not let it be your only set of eyes into the water”! The last week or two has felt like being a baseball player watching a hundred change-up pitches whizz past, if you dont adapt your strategy several times throughout the day it isnt hard to strike out… The keys are to use stealthy approaches, keep a wide bearth when near other boaters, and just because the gulls move on does not mean all the fish moved with them!

Please keep in mind when you are out there, that one 28inch fish (when filleted properly) will feed a housefull of people, as long as you dont forget the hushpuppies, coleslaw, and potato salad! Throw the biggest fish back alive! They are better for breeding than for eating!

Give me a call asap to book a date. I still have some dates available in May. 361-500-2552

Fly Fishing JFK

First Striped Bass of the year JFK New York

Catch a flight and catch a bass

Fly Fishing Jamaica Bay New York, NY

Early Season Fly Fishing in JBay can have some very productive fishing due to the lack of boating traffic which at times can ruin a good fishing spot…

This time of year, with the weather changes more rapidly than a NYC Taxi changes lanes, but with persistence and plenty of warm clothes you can get your spring bass on the fly without having to go very far… All it takes is the right fly, the right presentation (slow) and the right amount of patience. Some call it insanity to freeze in 40 degree temps, with wind chills feeling closer to 30 degrees F but the one thing in Jamaica Bay that will warm up just about anybody is feeling the strike from a striped bass, and knowing that it may be, just may be the fish of a lifetime…

HURRY and book your trip now as my available dates in May are almost full. Call me directly so as to not miss your next chance to catch striped bass on the fly in New York!!!




Striped Bass are in Jamaica Bay

Gunnel Reels - Hatch Outdoors
Under the Gunnels – Hatch Outdoors

The spring season is upon us…

…and the water temps are rising quickly as the striped bass begin to move into Jamaica Bay on the hunt for food. Luckily for the bass there are still herring inside the bay, and the bunker are gaining popularity as well. This past winter’s batch of fresh bunker and herring flies should do just the trick! Only a few days ago some lethargic bass were even playing cat and mouse with a nice sized popper fly creation that evolved from the tying desk of Kenjo Flies this past winter… Cant wait to really see this secret popper fly in pure form and action!

With Sweetpea locked and loaded, all systems are a go. Everything has been checked twice, and most things were even triple checked… Last Sunday was windy but proved to be a very good sea trial for the season, and Sweet Pea handled the wind waves just as expected…

This weekend I will be heading to Charleston, South Carolina for some much needed R&R with my ‘lil lady after such a very long winter in the city! It is safe to say we are definitely ready for some warmer weather!

There are still a few dates available in May so give me a call to make your reservation ASAP!

Keeping the hooks sharp,
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing – Guide Services
Licensed by USCG (OUPV)
Member F.C.A.