It is taking all my strength to not divulge all the nasty details here of the fish that I encountered this weekend, but those secrets were hard earned and learned by t.o.w (time on the water)…
To avoid any unnecessary drooling, I will keep this report short… Was out on the prowl in Jamaica Bay this weekend and I’ve got to admit that I like what I saw… At most docks you will see “barely legal” sized bass on the cutting boards, but I can tell you first-hand that there are MUCH BIGGER fish in Jamaica Bay RIGHT NOW and they are catchable with the right technique and approach to these fish…
Call me ASAP to check on available dates, it only takes a few minutes to find out when the next shot at a mega striper could be on the end of your flyline!!!
Captain Ken Jones
Kenjo Fly Fishing – Guide Services
Licensed by USCG (OUPV)
[email protected]