Tag Archives: marlin

Offshore Oil Port

Imagine crossing the ferries to Port Aransas and seeing an oil tank farm/VLCC terminal at Harbor Island just waiting for the next Hurricane to break it wide open…

There are many pros and cons when it comes to consumer progress and expansion. Earlier talks of having a large volume oil transfer terminal on Harbor Island raised many red flags, along with the traffic jamming super-tankers they plan to fill/empty there daily. Now there is a proposal on the table to take this oil pump station offshore to some degree, which is a better alternative to a land based solution.

Having spent the last 6 years on the water fishing almost daily and launching out of Port Aransas most of the time, I could easily agree that of all the boat traffic we have out there, this area certainly does not need larger oil tankers making u-turns just outside the harbor’s entrance. The Mono-buoy doesn’t sound like a bad idea compared to the Harbor Island proposed site.

You can comment on this Deep-Port Offshore Mono Buoy project at the following website.

Anything you write in defense of the fish, the sea, and our public resources in order to protect it is welcomed by me. This is one opportunity where the public’s comments actually go on “official record”… Please take the time to send your comments through this portal so our voices may be heard.


If you are at a loss for words or are sick of typing, you may copy and paste my letter below, just please edit the signature to personalize it.

“The real Texans who make up this wonderful state and enjoy its wild areas do not want more oil industries in the area of Corpus Christi and far reaching surrounding natural habitats. It is wrong to sacrifice the Public’s wildlife, both land-based and marine, for the sake of economic development. The natural resources of Texas and its marine wildlife are invaluable to the public and that is where our real wealth comes from. Outdoor recreation is vital to the survival and morale of our Coastal populations and its guests (tourists from all 50 states) including the millions of tourists who have made Texas their permanent home. Do not allow any VLCC terminals, regardless of offshore or onshore. A single incident anywhere from any one of these plants, regardless of how small, would devastate the ecology of OUR land immediately and have long term consequences for hundreds of thousands who rely on these natural resources. This risk is not acceptable regardless of the proclaimed economic growth being proposed by this project and others nearby of similar and dependent heavy industries.

Again, the risks associated with this project and all others like it is not accepted. The public is speaking to you! YOU MUST HEAR OUR VOICES. We expect you to protect our lands and seas with the upmost diligence and fortitude.”

Serious and asserted,
Capt Ken Jones
Native Texan
Port Aransas Texas
[email protected]