Hurricane Hannah (Cat 1) is making its way onshore now. From August 24 2017 to today’s date, July 25 2020, its been 3 years and 1 day between Hurricane Harvey and now this storm, Hurricane Hanna. Looking at it on a map overlay is always impressive. Its breadth is classic for Gulf Storms, broad and widespread. Its good to finally get some rain down this way too!

In Port Aransas so far, in my observations using the Aransas Tower (weather station), gusts up to 45kts have been measured and water levels are almost at 4ft over sea sevel… Our coastal area ecologically will benefit from a natural event like this. It will in effect, give our bay and coastlines a nice refresh and possibly help restore some seagrass beds in the lower portions of the coast. Nonetheless, for all our area, once the weather stabilizes again for a few days or up to a week or two, the fishing should be outstanding like after Hurricane Harvey was. It did take some time then but it wasn’t all that long and the fish were chewing on everything!

The was some insanely great fly fishing done after Harvey. Once they finally turned on it was non-stop action. The redfish were absolutely gluttonous after the weather finally settled and ate voraciously on every cast for quite a while! These fish showed obvious signs of gorging themselves. Their bellies were so full! Even the scales on their bellies showed obvious sign of stretching! I can hardly wait to get back on the water, but now is the time to prep for the next few weeks/months of heavy fishing!

Ya’ll get on the books now for August and pick some more dates in September October and November too while your at it! Jacks and Tarpon are still on the list, we just need very special conditions to chase them. If we cant hunt them where they live because its too rough, we will default to the bay where we can sight-fish redfish black drum and speckled trout. The next few months should prove to be a whole lot of excellent sight fishing to be done in the coming months! Call Capt Kenjo direct at 361-500-2552 or just hit the Book Now button in the top right corner of the page!