August through November will be excellent sight fishing on the fly with single bull reds making surprise appearances on the flats among the host of slot redfish that are expected to be tailing in pods and schools, and as September hits, larger schools of over-slot redfish will show up to make your knees shake n’ bake. You’re going to want to get in on this late Summer and Fall action one way or another! Book Online Now for August or give me a call ASAP! -Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552
The fly fishing along the Texas Coast, particularly out of Port Aransas and the surrounding waters of Corpus Christi and Rockport has been quite good this year so far. Our officials kinds threw a monkey wrench in things with Covid early in our season and out of respect for everyone, operations didn’t really get underway until May. The winds never really laid down, at least in June as expected. Until now… As August approaches the winds should be reliably light and variable (but not during a hurricane) and currently the tides are at fantastic levels with super clean water fresh in from the Gulf of Mexico. If this tropical storm Gonzalo reaches us lets hope it gets here sooner than later. And the “disturbance” already in the gulf needs to get over with quickly too… If these linger over the gulf for very long, they can grow massive like Hurr. Harvey did 3 years ago… I remain optimistic though and plan to fish every day the winds are anything less than 25kts.

The next few months should be excellent sight fishing on the fly and currently there is super fresh ocean water in the channels and bays, spurring the mature redfish to begin their migration to the cuts and passes to spawn. Speckled trout numbers are up as well, and we are seeing plenty of 15-20 inch specks come to hand when blind casting over deep grass beds.

The jack crevelle run in the bay left us all wanting more (compared to last year). Strong Southeasterly winds and off-colored water through May and June made it tough to hunt them in the open bay areas but quite a few people got in on the action and some new boat records were set. Biggest jack crevelle of the year so far goes to Brad, who whipped this (estimated) 40lber in 6 minutes flat. Those Mako reels kinda take some of the fun out of the fight when a fish of this caliber can barely rip 40yds of backing off the spool before it decides to turn around… Austin got an estimated 35lber to the boat in 5 minutes flat.

During the spring and summer months while the winds were up and the tides were constantly high, we wade fished the longest mile for some good red drum and black drum action even despite the days we got dealt overcast skies… the drum tailed consistently even in windy conditions and while the redfish were sneaky, if you kept your eyes on the water you would see them oftentimes trying to slip past our feet hoping to go unnoticed. With a keen eye and a flick of the wrist, you could get those redfish to eat merely a few feet from your rod tip making for some explosive action right at your feet!
Give me a call ASAP to get on the books! August is going to produce some exellent fishing and we just might get lucky and get to go fish the beaches for tarpon or jacks.