Pumpkin colored redfish have already begun to show with the upcoming fall fly fishing season! Schooling pods are becoming more prevalent and more consistent day to day. Late summer rains roll off the gulf occasionally this time of year. This gives the land and bays a much needed break from the scorching heat. The scattered rainfall is also helping to cool the waters are the redfish are responding well. Fly Fishing Trips are NOW available for September, October and November.
Doubled Up
Some anglers who coordinate their efforts are able to pull doubles from schools of tailing red drum. For new sight-casting anglers, this Fall is an excellent time to catch your first (and other) redfish.
While the Texas heat wont relinquish its warm grip on the coast for a bit longer, the fishing continues to get better and better. The tides are continuing to signal to the fish that it is time to get a move on. The feed is going on getting heavier and heavier everyday.
Saltwater Casting Lessons
There are also Fly Casting Lessons available off the water for those that want to come learn to cast cleanly, efficiently and with some accuracy to these redfish. And then get to utilize what you learned the next day on the skiff. So don’t hesitate to book your fly fishing trip and schedule some casting lessons for the day before! It never hurts to brush up on fly casting skills and techniques then put them to good work afterwards!
Sight casting isn’t just for fly fishers either. Some enjoy using conventional spin or casting tackle and if you have any kind of accuracy then it is still a great game of hide and seek for the cats and mice. We are still going to use my flies though on your spin gear because they work!

Traditionally I am a fly only guide. But that basically just means that I don’t have any other kind of gear except fly fishing gear. Nonetheless, you’re welcome to bring your own casting tackle and I can advise on lures and soft plastics for you to use too.
Specializing in sight-casting techniques there are several types of equipment can be utilized. Tell me what are your fishing goals for the upcoming fall fly fishing season and help you achieve them!