Attention! Excellent weather forecast for March 17-24!!! BOOK NOW!
Song-birds fill the morning air as the sun creeps over the eastern gulf horizon. A pair of redfish tail downwind as shorebirds of all varieties skirmish through the spartina grass looking for their next scooby-snack. The prowling redfish break the calm edges of the marsh grass when they annihilate a fateful mullet crab or shrimp.
On the deeper edges, gangs of redfish trout and drum cruise laterally and sweep up everything in their paths during peak periods. Moving up and down the edges in search of more vittles for their overworked bodies and famished bellies.

The weather forecast next week from Sunday forward is looking FABULOUS! DON’T miss out on the awesome Texas Sight-fishing that is coming! Call NOW and Book your dates! Click BOOK NOW to view available dates or call direct ASAP anytime, Capt Kenjo 361-500-2552